Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't be too exhausted to enjoy your party, plan ahead

If any of you are like me, a busy person, (who isn't these days) with loads going on and never enough time to do it in, then maybe you too have planned a party and on the night of the event, been too tired to truly enjoy it.
I am determined this time, to enjoy our upcoming adult night, a dinner party with friends.
The dates been set and now I just have to plan my attack.
The silver is definitely the first task to tackle, ugg, all that polishing! I do so love the result. So, since I am entertaining on an upcoming Saturday, the preceding Thursday is my sliver and shopping day.
I am going to tackle the silver and the crystal first thing in the morning after the kids go to school.
Then off to the market to buy all the ingredients...
Friday morning I'll prep all the veggies, put the roast in a marinade....
Then I'll do the heavy cleaning Friday,  dusting, vacuuming, mopping, bathrooms which leaves Saturday for  sleeping in- the table setting and cooking.
 IF I can stick to this schedule....I will be ready to "rock n roll" when our friends arrive....
 wish me luck!
I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Get your cake out of the pan in one piece.

Whether your're trying our featured products this month (Mclaren's Olde World Gingerbread Cake with Fountainbléau Sauce & Whipped Cream) or baking your own, here is a tip for getting those cakes out of the pans in one piece!

This tip was taught me by my mother, when I was very young.

The only extra item you will need is waxed paper. Tear a sheet of waxed paper a little bigger than your cake pan. Place the cake pan on top and trace the outline with a knife point or toothpick ( pointed object).

Cut the resulting circle or rectangle out with scissors.
(You can use a pencil or pen, just be sure to trim inside the line, so the graphite or ink is not cooked into your cake.)

Grease the bottom and sides of the cake pan as directed by the recipe instructions. Place the wax paper circle on the bottom of the pan, and smooth it out over the Pam, or shortening. Then pour the cake mix into the pan and bake as directed.

After the cake comes out of the oven and has cooled almost completely, run a thin knife around the sides of the pan to loosen the edges, when you turn the pan over, shake slightly and the cake should fall right out onto the plate. Peel the waxed paper off the bottom and flip the cake over to decorate or frost as usual.

No more scraping those torn bits off the bottom of the pan!
 Happy Baking!

Monday, January 17, 2011

McLaren's "In the Kitchen"

Happy New Year!
It seems that we always hit the ground running the second week of every new year and this year is no exception. On January 19, 2011 we will launch our new z-zine!  "In The Kitchen"
It is an online monthly mini-magazine with kitchen tips, recipes, ideas for dinner parties, teas and gatherings, money saving coupons and news from McLaren's. You can subscribe to "In The Kitchen" by clicking here

Tim & I love to entertain, though we have have precious little time to do it these days. We are hosting a dinner party with some of our good friends that we were not able to see during the Holiday Season.
We are looking forward to an evening filled with good friends, good food, and good wine! We're going to share our recipes and experiences with you through the e zine and our web site.

As new feature to our web site, we have added a link on the home page under
Quick Links
Recipes and serving suggestions
This link takes you to the archives of all the recipes and serving suggestions that we have been sharing with our festival clients. We will post a few each month, to give you new ideas and inspiration in the kitchen. Feel free to copy and send them to your friends and loved ones. You can visit our web site by clicking here.

Already posted you will find the recipes and serving tips for the wine jams with cheese and Olde World Gingerbread Cake with Fountainbléau Sauce & whipped cream. If you have any recipes to add, or stories about McLaren's at your table, please let us know and we will add them!

Coming up in in February is the holiday for lovers, Valentines Day. From the fun to the fantastic, we have gifts that are sure to please even the fussiest gourmet.

Remember, as you gain new clients and work new prospects this year, keep in  mind that McLaren's makes a great "Welcome" or "Thank you" gift for any client. We can create something delicious and elegant to fit your budget.

Until next time, take the time to have a cup o' tea with someone you love!
Best to you,
Andrea & Tim