Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't be too exhausted to enjoy your party, plan ahead

If any of you are like me, a busy person, (who isn't these days) with loads going on and never enough time to do it in, then maybe you too have planned a party and on the night of the event, been too tired to truly enjoy it.
I am determined this time, to enjoy our upcoming adult night, a dinner party with friends.
The dates been set and now I just have to plan my attack.
The silver is definitely the first task to tackle, ugg, all that polishing! I do so love the result. So, since I am entertaining on an upcoming Saturday, the preceding Thursday is my sliver and shopping day.
I am going to tackle the silver and the crystal first thing in the morning after the kids go to school.
Then off to the market to buy all the ingredients...
Friday morning I'll prep all the veggies, put the roast in a marinade....
Then I'll do the heavy cleaning Friday,  dusting, vacuuming, mopping, bathrooms which leaves Saturday for  sleeping in- the table setting and cooking.
 IF I can stick to this schedule....I will be ready to "rock n roll" when our friends arrive....
 wish me luck!
I'll keep you posted!

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